#12 Robin Good Needs You!

Hello! Thank you for the support and encouragement you have shown to this ministry! You are needed more than you know.

Robin Good was started with the idea that people who love to shop and have time to do it could go to local thrift stores and help supply the donations we take downtown each week. Our church has even set aside funds to reimburse for these purchases.

People have donated nice clothing, toys, and other items from their homes, which are welcomed and greatly appreciated. A couple of people have also made Robin Good purchases. However, only one person has submitted a receipt for reimbursement. The money is not the issue; it’s the time to shop that I do not have now that my summer break has ended. So, for any of you wanting to shop, you will be SO VERY appreciated! The Items Always Needed list is a great place to get ideas, but here are some, as well:

Clothing for both sexes in all sizes from 12-month-old girls’ to men’s size 4x are accepted. Stuffed animals, wash cloths and towels, and practical household items like dishes, pots and pans, and small appliances are always useful, too. And definitely food like canned soup, canned vegetables, canned chicken, spaghetti and sauce, canned spaghetti like Chef Boyaredee, bread and sandwich stuff, and quick, simple meals are welcomed. Perishable foods like fruits and vegetables are also welcome; I just need to get them from you on a Friday.

Many people cannot afford to eat healthy foods. So, when you live on a very small income and know you may run out of food before your next check comes in, buying cheap, unhealthy foods is often done over buying the more expensive healthy choices. You can get more food that way. And having enough food, even if it's unhealthy, is better than not having enough food. Other than the soups, even some of what we bring is not as healthy as what many of us eat, but it can still be a meal that’s better than chips.

As for yesterday, we had a wonderful time visiting with our friends. The items we brought were gone within ten minutes! But we had also brought some folding chairs, so even after the donations were gone, some of our friends still sat and visited for a while. That is our hope – to build community. To provide an opportunity for people to connect and have fellowship. The donations we bring definitely meet people’s material needs, which is important, as there are many needs to meet. But they also bring people out and together. The items just go quickly when we only have a small amount to give, and we have to tell people we are sorry, we don’t have anything left. So, again, please know that what you donate is appreciated!

You are welcome to leave donations on my front porch, bring them to church on a Sunday (only), or I can pick them up from you. Thank you in advance!



#13 Just the Two of Us


#11 Community and Fellowship