#11 Community and Fellowship
Two of the things I love most about what we get to do each week are the community and the fellowship. It’s the fellowship we share with our Atlanta Dream Center Church friends and the community and fellowship God is building at PV, our favorite place to spend our Saturday mornings.
Yesterday, I was blessed with a sweet surprise when our friend Susan texted asking if she could come with me. Shawn had to drive separately that morning for other reasons and would pick up Greg on his way. So, I had the pleasure of Susan’s friendship and company all to myself there and back. And it was such a joy to have her with me and to introduce her to our PV friends.
Ms. D and Mr. G were waiting for us when we arrived. Ms. D was ready to help set things up as soon as we parked. Mr. G is physically unable to, but I am sure he would have helped, too, if he could. So many of our friends came to see us, and Susan, a volunteer named Daniel (not my son), and I got to visit D., our friend for whom we found a wheelchair a while back. The infection in his leg following the partial amputation is healing well now, and as always, he was in great spirits ever hopeful for brighter days to come.
Our friend, Ms. E., whom I have come to care very much for, had not been out for many weeks. I asked about her, but my inability to speak Spanish inhibited the communication to her closest friends. I settled for saying, “Please tell her Holly said hi and misses her.” Well, yesterday, I turned to see who tapped my shoulder and there she was! We hugged and shared warm greetings, and then she showed me she had broken her leg. I was so happy to see her. I told her I had been praying for her and was so glad she was okay. She understands more English than I do Spanish, and she confirmed she knew what I was saying and was thankful for the prayers.
It was fun, too, to give away a bike our friends Mike and Jessica from ECPC brought when they came with us a few weeks ago. It had not found a home the day they came, and we did not have room in the car to bring it last week. But we brought it yesterday, and a boy came up and asked if he could have it. He was SO thrilled to get it. And the girl who got one of the girl’s bikes Mike and Jessica brought when they came rode it over to us so proudly and told me, “I ride it everywhere!”
Ms. B is working on getting access to the club house for a place to hold Saturday morning times of fellowship and Bible study. We’re praying it all works out, if that is God’s will. Then, as mentioned before, we say a prayer before we head out. Shawn asked Ms. B if she would like to pray. And boy did she pray! We all left encouraged in the Lord!
Needs this week are a walker with a seat and wheels. Our friend who asked if we could help him get one showed us the damaged wheel on his, and he relies on it to get around. We also need a flexible pair of size 11-12 women’s tennis shoes, large size ladies’ clothes, a girl’s size 4.5 youth pair of sandals, 32-waist men’s pants, medium men’s shirts, size 9 men’s shoes, and men’s socks & new men’s 32-waist undershorts. And I am keeping an eye out for a scooter for an 8-year-old girl.
We could also use non-perishable food. When Susan, Daniel, and I were visiting D., he asked if we had any food, because his roommate didn’t have much left and would run out before he could afford more. All we had left were some fruit cups we brought, so we gave him those. But food and men’s clothes are always needs.
Thank you for reading my blogs and for all of your encouragement and support. It means and does more than you know!!