#3 Moving Forward

I am so thankful to all who have graciously donated clothes already! Thank you! This has been a difficult last few weeks with the unexpected health decline and passing of my dad. It was an honor to be with him in his last days, and I rejoice he is eternally in heaven with his Savior now. But through it all, I have not had a chance to thank those who brought donations to my husband while I was gone. So, thank you!

Having missed the last three Saturdays of visiting our friends and communities we serve, I am ready to jump back in! I have also considered ways to keep this ministry moving forward, as I learn how to manage a website and oversee such a ministry.

NEW APPROACH: For those who would like to receive emails with blog updates, please use the Contact Us page and include “Blog Updates” in the message you submit. You will be added to a private email list I will send updates to whenever I post new blogs.

Also, each month will focus on a specific donation need. Any item on the “Always Needed” list will always be accepted, but there are times when certain items can be most needed.

For the rest of June, and possibly into July, TOYS are the big need, as children are home for the summer and need fun, safe, constructive activities to engage in. And my guess is their moms will be most appreciative for any ways we can contribute to their entertainment during these long, hot, summer days!

Thank you for your support!


#4 Good to be Back!


#2: My Appreciation