#15 A Quiet Morning
Saturday morning was sweet and simple. After picking up Greg and Joanna, and then worshipping Jesus with our Atlanta Dream Center Church friends, Greg, Joanna, Shawn, and I spent a quiet morning at PV, our favorite community. I brought some specific clothing items for the children of a few of our Spanish-speaking friends there, with whom I do my best to communicate. And T and his roommate Mr. J., as well as some of our other friends we look forward to seeing each week, came over to hang out with us. We took pleasure in the conversations we had while savoring the community being built there.
It was a low-key morning, especially compared to the activity of the previous week’s cookout and CRP visit, but by consistently showing up each week, we show we care. These are also the times we get to have some of the richest conversations – because there is not a lot going on, and we can really focus our attention on those who are there. We can have real and meaningful talks and build authentic relationships on these days. So, whether the volunteers are many or few, whether those who visit our table(s) are many or few, and whether the donations we can bring are many or few, God uses it all to tell His PV children, our neighbors and friends whom we have grown to love, that they matter to Him and to us. And that is what this is all about.
Thank you to those of you who faithfully donate clothing and household items for us to take. Most anything nice is welcomed! Food and cute stuffed animals are always hot items, and men’s clothing from sizes small to 4x are on-going needs. This week, I am also looking for boy’s clothes sizes 14-16, as a few of our PV families have boys in those sizes. I can usually make one thrift store visit per week now, so it all comes down to what I do or do not find that trip. Last week, I had a hard time finding size 14-16 kids’ clothing for boys or girls.
Please know we GREATLY appreciate your support! (And you can be reimbursed for items you buy for Robin Good!)
Wishing you a beautiful week.