Barbeque Time!

Hello Friends!

Yes, it has been a looong time since I updated this blog. But that doesn't mean that we haven't continued our visits to our beloved PV community! I just wanted to let you all know that Saturday, February 25, this amazing couple, Eli and Whitney, will provide a barbeque at PV. Their ministry, M25 Barbeque, "partners with churches, FREE of cost, to host outreach events in low income communities." They have served with the Dream Center Church ministries for years, and we've gotten to know them that way. They are wonderful!

I am telling you about this, because we would LOVE for any of you who have thought about coming with us sometime to see if this day works for you. Maybe your life group or Journey group could come together! We'll still set up a table of donations, and we expect a lot of people to come see us and get some food. It's a great chance for you to meet some of our friends there, pray with/for people, and see what Robin Good is all about.




M25 Barbeque Rocks!


Tears - Of Joy and Sadness